Posts: 2
Registered: 05-12-2006 Location:
posted on 05-12-2006 at 11:17 |
What can I use?
Hello, I am a virgin male. Can any one tell me what I can masterbate with that will feel the most like a women's vagina?
Posts: 1
Registered: 05-12-2006 Location:
posted on 05-12-2006 at 15:00 |
Water fillid baggie
Fill a one-gallon Ziploc-type freezer bag with warm or hot water, about three-quarters of the way full. Then fold the "zip" part on top of the bottom so that there is a hole in the middle. Duct-tape the seam so it stays together. Then apply lube and enjoy!
I also like to put it between to sofa coushsions on top of each other and then hump away.
You can also try putting it between the mattresses. This feels the most like a vagina that I have tried.
Posts: 1
Registered: 05-12-2006 Location:
posted on 05-12-2006 at 15:07 |
This is an easy one. Simply peel a banana (you can eat it later), slip the peel over your penis, and masturbate with it. The banana slime is a great lubricant. You can warm up the peel in the microwave for added sensations. Also, you might have better results if you peel the banana by making just one cut in the peel and removing the fruit through the single cut; you can then cut off the end of the banana peel and insert your penis through that end.
Posts: 68
Registered: 06-30-2005 Location:
posted on 05-17-2006 at 19:12 |
Do a search for something called a "fleshlight" It's disguised as a flashlight but you can use it for self-pleasure. Of course, you'd have to buy it at a sex shop but from what I've heard, they are supposingly suppose to be the most amazing thing EVER.
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Registered: 05-20-2006 Location:
posted on 05-20-2006 at 23:40 |
Most Realistic Vagina
This is the best thing I have ever tried. In fact it is the absolutely the most realistic Vagina. I t real feels like the real thing, you can build your own to you specifications.
One feels just like a virgin, maybe even better, I have bought three.
Senior Member
Posts: 124
Registered: 02-22-2006 Location: Va
posted on 05-22-2006 at 16:45 |
weird things
What a weird and disgusting stuff.....
Why don't you simply get married instead. Nothing will give you the pleasure of natural intercourse (with full of Love).
Posts: 1
Registered: 05-25-2006 Location:
posted on 05-25-2006 at 23:39 |
Better then the real thing
I have one and it is actually feels better then the real thing. The material is made out of stuff the feels like real flesh.
It also stays tight.
Posts: 4
Registered: 02-07-2005 Location:
posted on 08-14-2006 at 15:39 |
That is the beat thing I have ever tried.
Hi Johnny,
Just go buy pocket pussy, That was the best thing I have ever had, Better the my girl friend.
I order the three pack so I have a good verity
>This is the best thing I have ever tried. In fact it is the absolutely the most realistic Vagina.
>I t real feels like the real thing, you can build your own to you specifications.
>One feels just like a virgin, maybe even better, I have bought three.
Junior Member
Posts: 15
Registered: 08-22-2006 Location: Oregon
posted on 08-23-2006 at 14:56 |
toys or a woman?
If a toy is litterally better than your girlfriend I feel way sorry for you and your girlfriend.
There is nothing wrong with masterbation to get you through, but there is nothing like being with a woman. Maybe that is just me because most of my pleasure comes from pleasing the woman, not myself!
Now to the poster. That being said, go to an adult store. There is so many realistic things out these days it is incredible. There is everything from handheld devices, to dolls that are lifesize. They even have many toys that are molded from a real vagina. Have fun man.
Posts: 1
Registered: 05-22-2008 Location:
posted on 05-22-2008 at 17:24 |
fleshlight -
Wow, I just got three of them, The original, the supper tight and the and one with bumps. I got to say It is great, better then most women I have been with. Feels like a virgin. I can wait to get home every night. Hate to tell you women but you have some serious competition in. Plus I don’t have to listen to you before or after. Go for the three for two package, you must try all the different varieties.
Posts: 7
Registered: 01-17-2009 Location:
posted on 01-17-2009 at 04:35 |